About Leeron Tal
I am so happy you are here! You are taking the first step towards taking control of your life!
First of all, I want to start by saying that I am not here to encourage anyone to leave their spouse. I do believe in love and marriage and true partnership. I also believe that not everyone is fortunate enough to marry the person that brings out the best out in them; in some cases, a partner can bring out the worst- creating a toxic, negative family dynamic. Like everything in life, sometimes it doesn’t work the first time and it becomes an opportunity to learn and grow.
Have you asked yourself the same questions and you feel like you’re spinning? Where do I start? How will I support myself and my family? Will my kids be ok? Who am I now? Will I be alone forever? He/she isn’t THAT bad, maybe I should stay? Did I fight hard and long enough for my marriage?
Everything you’re feeling and the hours you have spent asking these questions is all normal.
I went through this agonizing time for years and wished I had a Divorce Coach to help me.
Getting through all the “first times”- first weekend without my kids, first holiday, first kids’ birthday, all tore me down and emotionally drained me. Through years of personal development and identifying my support team, I am in a place where I can see a bright future and a new way of life that just looks different than my original vision when I got married and started a family. It’s different - but it’s mine. Learning from my experiences is why I am now so passionate about helping others like you!
My professional career has taken many twists and turns throughout the years, but the one common thread has been that I always seek to inspire, connect, and essentially coach people through positivity and strategy. During my work in Early Childhood Education, I had the opportunity to work with so many families and study the effects parents and the environment have on children. It is possible to raise emotionally intelligent, well-rounded children whether the parents are married or not. I can help you understand what your kids may be going through and provide you with tools to guide them through the divorce process.
Remember, that each professional can only help you in their area of expertise. Meaning, an attorney will only give you legal advice but can’t tell you what’s best for you or your kids, a realtor can give you facts about your home, but may not focus on your emotional needs or give legal advice. This was one of the most confusing and overwhelming parts for me, and how I can help you.
As your coach, we will cover areas such as:
Educate yourself on what you need to know as you contemplate getting divorced
Which professionals to hire and how to avoid costly mistakes
Weigh out options when it comes to separating assets and housing.
Managing your feelings of sadness, worrying, and anger
How to support your kids - when to tell them about the divorce, how to tell them
Tools to effectively identify your former spouse’s communication style to create your new relationship as co-parents.
Find your new identity and remember your true values.
How to prioritize self-care and what it really looks like to you.
Manifest and create the life you want and deserve.
I am a Divorce Coach, parent educator, community builder, mother, ex-wife, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend who has lived through the challenges of divorce while working and supporting my family, even through a pandemic. Although I am still learning and growing, I have created a happy empowered life - and it feels so good! Let me help you get to the next phase and live your best life!
Leeron Tal Dvir is a Certified Divorce Coach and Certified Early Childhood Educator
Accredited by The International Divorce Coach Centre of Excellence