The FOMO is Real
FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out… This has become a serious problem for me and you may be able to relate.
I get only 2 weekends a month to be on my own. I feel the pressure of utilizing that time to the fullest. I need to fill it doing things I wouldn’t do when I have the boys. Self-care, like getting my nails done, getting a massage, or getting laid. I feel the pressure to go out because I don’t need to pay for a sitter.
But what if I’m tired? What if I want to just work, or do laundry…If I turn down an opportunity to go out, what will I miss? Who might I have met? When I do make one choice and then hear I missed out on an epic night I am SO hard on myself. It can literally keep me up at night. Why??? I know I made the one biggest decision of my life and chose wrong. I chose the wrong man to marry… It’s time to forgive myself. It’s time to stop letting my fear of making a wrong decision again run my life.
I know the universe has my back. I need to stop doubting it. Wherever I am is where I am supposed to be.